Just a quickie.
After 14 years in the Land of La La, trying my hand in several areas of the entertainment business (i.e. acting, dancing, writing, habitual game show contestant-ing, bartending, etc)…..I FINALLY HAVE AN IMDb.com page. My credit is for participating in an adr/loop group on a film back in the spring. Of course, if you are in any way familiar with the industry, you know how HUGE this is. It’s the equivalent of “arriving” as my Mama used to say. So, Mama….I have arrived 🙂
Oh, and to sweeten the deal, The Girls now have pages for looping too. Woo hoo….if they only knew!!! Of course, if I wasn’t so dead set on blog anonymity, I’d post a link. LOL.
Give it to me straight. I can take it :-)