Monday was my Oldest’s birthday. She turned 12. Wowza….I have a pre-teen. The day was grande though! Cake for breakfast, presents (including a pogo stick) in the afternoon, and the event I have been waiting on the arrival of for 5 years: her return to gymnastics. She began training when she was 4.5, reached competition level, and decided it was too much. I cried that day. Nothing worse than watching your child, with a divine given talent for a sport decide to quit, having no choice but to allow it. Swore that if she returned, it would be her idea, and I patiently waited. Finally, it happened, and away she went. Muscle memory kicked in, and she lit up the facility. On the way home, she said, “Mommy it feels so good to be back on the mat!”. Music to my ears:-) Tonight she is being evaluated for placement on one of the teams (update to follow). Wish her luck!
So that was Monday. Yesterday held another surprise….
I received notification that my Youngest had been granted a Kindergarten spot at the school where my Middle baby attends. Hallelujah! She starts tomorrow. The only hurdle left, is getting the Oldest there. We’ll know in a couple of weeks. Nonetheless, my life is getting easier!
Oh, and just this morning I received a very sweet email from Andrea Burridge with Mereadesso Woman, informing me that I have a goody bag full of their phenomenal skin care products on it’s way via FedEx!! You really must visit their site, and order some Face + Neck Toning Gel. It’s an all-in-one product I will never be able to live without. Ever. Although I already have a few products from Sophyto I have been using for a bit, this new gem of a product fit right in!!! So wonderful when things peacefully co-exist together, huh?
Ciao for now….I have to embrace Wednesday and see what else is in store!!
Give it to me straight. I can take it :-)