So you may remember me posting about the phenomenal anti-bullying campaign my Sugar Bean and I were asked to be part of a few months ago. If not, you can see that here. At the time, the campaign hadn’t officially launched….
FRIEND MOVEMENT is in full swing and people are talking about it, which is EXACTLY what we want to happen. Open DIALOGUE leads to ACTION, which leads to CHANGE. A few initial reactions to the campaign questioned the use of the familiar hand gesture–the extension of the middle finger, or ‘flipping the bird’–remarking that it’s too edgy and in your face. Let’s be honest though….this is NOTHING compared to what our youth and adults alike are subjected to on a daily basis. We aren’t flipping someone off, we are flipping off and saying “F-YOU” to the issue of BULLYING which is a problem…
In our faces…
In the media…
In some of our homes…
As the mother of a teen who was the victim of bullying from the time she entered Kindergarten and continuing until we finally had to change schools to escape it, I am tired of it. She came home sobbing everyday, and that was heart wrenching. To know my baby was being mistreated by mean girls who felt the need to pick on her because she was younger and smaller than they was horrific. And I was powerless. I spoke to her teacher, then the principal, then the superintendent. As a parent, I did everything thing I could to be an advocate for my child. But I couldn’t go to school WITH HER, so she was left to stand up for herself. Which is precisely what FRIEND MOVEMENT is all about. The aim is to empower those being bullied to start an inner dialogue, in the face of their aggressors, enabling them to say:
“It’s not okay for you treat me this way.
I accept me for who I am, and you must do the same.
So back off.”
I’m sick to death of hearing about teenager after teenager committing suicide as the result of something that HAS TO END. Period. There is no room for error, or deliberation with respect to this matter. Bullies come in all shapes, sizes, cultures, genders, etc….and my daughter and I are PROUD TO STAND AGAINST THEM in support of a campaign laden with celebrities who have also been victims of bullying themselves. Don’t believe me? Take a look:
And I urge you to go one step further. JOIN FRIEND MOVEMENT. Follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and SHARE!! Help spread the word, and make it go viral. Make a tax-deductible donation to the fundraising effort if you can, and aid in the mission to take the movement on the road visiting 40 cities across the country, with the goal of shooting 10,000 photos in 90 days.
It may take a village to raise a child, but it takes the entire world to protect one. We belong to each other, folks. Are you willing to take a stand, and get your boots dirty to raise awareness, and help?
Well Done! I’m all for telling people that are bullies and/or full of shit to ‘F off’… I wish I could show my kids that as you get older, you won’t even care enough about them to hate them 🙂 go get em!
You can. Join the campaign if it comes to your town…and have your pic taken!!
Love this!
Thanks!! Spread the word 🙂
As someone who was bullied relentlessly, I know full well the pain it can cause. Sadly, bullying doesn’t end in school. It continues throughout adulthood – in perhaps more subtle forms, but if you don’t fit in, you know it. So bullying isn’t going to end until we, as adults, get it through our thick heads that different is just different and not a reason to ostracize, play hurtful power games, talk behind someone’s back or post hurtful memes on Facebook taking down a group of people you don’t like simply because they’re different. None of us thinks we’re being bullies, but we still do it. I must start with me. Which means supporting the Friend Movement with my own actions as well as sharing and other ways.
Thanks for your comment, and support Anne! It’s true about the continuation of bullying long after adolescence ends. And even sadder…I have recently seen evidence of adults shaming teens online in blog posts, along with women bullying their kids’ teachers at a school concert by putting gum in their hair. I was completely appalled after reading both stories. Needless to say, it has to stop, in every form. Period.
Great campaign!
Thanks so much. It’s something we are very passionate about supporting. Too many lives are being cut short as the result of never-ending bullying by others. Mean people suck.
Love this and totally believe in this movement. I’m sorry to hear that your daughter was bullied. It breaks my heart that kids can be so cruel.
Thanks, Trina. It broke my heart at the time, and I still get emotional thinking about it. Never in a million years would I have imagined my child being the target of a “mean girl” in KINDERGARTEN. However, it’s becoming clearer and clearer to me, that the behavior exhibited by bullies is often a reflection of their upbringing. Sad, but oh so true.
I love you and I love this. The end.
Thanks, Lucy!
You go girl!!!! I had no idea your (not-so-little-anymore) princess was bullied that badly. It made my heart hurt reading about it. 🙁 This whole bullying thing makes me so incredibly sick, and I’m so glad there are people like you out there who are doing something to make it stop. xoxo
Yes, it was heart wrenching. I hate to see anyone bullied which is why this is soooo important to us 🙂