
"let us eat cake...affectionately."

“let us eat cake…affectionately.”


I have been thinking a lot the last few days about blessings in my life. I’m guessing it’s because of all the reading I have been doing on this blog. Or maybe it’s due to the fact that I started 2012, sobbing, literally with my head in my hands since I hit a wall and felt like all the glue holding my life together had suddenly dissolved. Somehow, I managed to pull myself together, and do something that has never come easy for me: I asked for help. And it was given. Done. A story for another day.

Anyway, this post is the first in a series where I will talk about my blessings. The things I treasure about my life. People, places, things, thoughts, etc…….in no particular order. All of them are important, but my crazy, scattered, mommy brain can only organize the thoughts on each blessing when they naturally take over my mind. So bear with me.

Recently, my brain has been consumed with Grace. My beautiful friend of 12+ years, and namesake for my middle daughter. She is the epitome of the actual word, grace. The definition can be found here. If you also happen to be blessed with knowing her personally, then you get it. If not, I’m truly sorry. Everyone should know Grace, both literally and figuratively.  

My introduction to this wonderful soul came through another treasured friend, Charlene, whom I met a year after my move to Los Angeles, at a dinner party thrown by this guy. Right now, I want to say thanks to Char for the introduction, and leave it at that. There will be a post about her too, but later.

Back to Grace.

It’s hard to think you can feel as close to a girlfriend as you do one of your siblings. But I do. All of my bio-sisters live far away (in Alabama), so I don’t get to see them whenever I want. In my eyes and my heart, Grace is “my sister from another mister.” Over the years, she has listened to me laugh, cry, rant and rave. She has talked me off ledges, and kicked my ass (metaphorically speaking, that is) when I needed it most. Thinking about it….being friends with me must be exhausting. But she keeps showing up. Amazing….no, shocking…really. I also know that I am not special. She is that way to ALL of her friends: nuturing, loving, thoughtful and available. Always. When I call, she answers. A lot of people don’t. I’m even guilty of not answering all the time when my friends call. But it’s usually because I’m feeling funky, and have decided to hide from the world. It’s nothing personal. When I’m melting down, I don’t discriminate. Everyone gets shut out. Sorry folks.

One of the many reasons Grace is on my mind lately, is because she is about to be a mommy for the first time. She and her soulmate, John (who also happens to be pretty great), are expecting a teeny one very soon. The pregnancy has been anything but easy for her, yet, she has continued to show up for me over and over the past few months, as I’ve experienced…let’s just say…mind-numbing chaos. So I want to publicly say thank you, Grace.

Another reason she is on my mind, is because tomorrow is her baby shower. It’s been planned for months, and I have been looking soooooo forward to it. Not only because seeing her and John makes me happy, but because we share lots of common friends whom I haven’t seen in awhile because of my…um…hiding. However, while I was making grand plans to attend the shower, God was laughing. He decided it would be much more fun to watch me cough, sneeze, moan and groan with THE FLU. To make it even more enjoyable to witness, he decided to deliver it through my husband, who also has it, and believes he is dying at this very moment, while simultaneously resting on the couch at home. I, of course, am at the gym with the daughters. Thanks for the “gift”, God. No, really. I mean it.

So I can’t go, and that makes me super sad. And I really want to apologize for not being able to show up for her on such an important occasion. Of course, she understands, because she is GRACE. Doesn’t make me feel any less crappy though 🙁

Fortunately, I’m told this crud only lingers for a week or so, which means I will recover, and get to enjoy watching her be the most amazing mother I can ever imagine anyone being. How lucky this baby is gonna be to have Grace as a mama. All in all, life is good. Blessings are beautiful things.

I love you Grace. Have a glorious time tomorrow. Breathe it all in and allow eveyone to bask in the glow you have always had, knowing it will soon be so bright we’ll all need to squint when gazing upon you and your little one. Oh, and take lots of pictures!!!!

Grace and me. In that order.


This was a special day in my history, 79 years ago. My mama was born in Hillsborough, Alabama, the only daughter of Lester and Verna Ryan. Come to think of it, she may have been born at Decatur General, but I’m not positive. Anyway, I thought it fitting to pay tribute to my sweet mama on this day. After all, I woke up thinking about her, and how very much I miss her. More and more each day, in fact. I lost her 16 years ago, and only 18 months after Daddy died. To this day, I still feel like for all the raising they did on me…..they weren’t finished, and I’ll admit, I harbor a bit of resentment at that. You see, all six of my brothers and sisters were married with families by the time Mama and Daddy passed. But I was not. I was still in college. Away from home, but still under that feathered wing I so wish I could be comforted by at times nowadays. Thinking back to the day we buried her, I vividly recall standing around in a circle with the large gathering of family members who had assembled to say a final, private prayer with the pastor before the public memorial began. We bowed our heads, and the pastor spoke calmly and beautifully about Mama. For a moment, I glanced up and saw my siblings standing in the small group that made up each of their individual families. It was then, I realized I was standing alone. Apparently, I must have passed out, or gone into hysterics and been given a tranquilizer, because I don’t remember much after that. Only that when I went back down to school a few days later, I kept calling Mama’s home number, and nobody was home. Finally one day, I got that dreaded disconnection recording. That was it. I decided then, it was time to move on. My biggest fan was resting with her love, in Heaven, and I had to do her proud.  Still working on that, I guess….

I do wish my girls could have met her. They would have loved her so, and she them. Every time I pull out one of the dresses she made for me, their eyes sparkle, and I tell them what the inspiration was for the particular garment. Each one has a story, of course, whether it be as simple as a “first day of Kindergarten dress”, or a “Miss Maid of Cotton frock”, the histories of all are rich. God really broke the mold when he made Mama. Her talents were beyond comprehension, and she clothed so many of the little ones in the small town of Athens, Alabama, with her gorgeous creations.  I know for a fact, that most of the dresses she made have been preserved and treasured by their owners until this day, and that makes me smile all over my face. I think it would be lovely to gather them all up, and put together a museum exhibit. It could be called “Little House Originals: The works of Betty Romine”. What a marvelous thought!! 

So….HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAMA….I love you and miss you every second of every day. 

Soul of a lion

Arriving in Los Angeles 15 years ago, I started chasing a dream. I haven’t stopped. Along the way, other dreams….ones I didn’t realize I had, have come true. Getting married to an amazing man, becoming a mother 3 times over, doing charity work…..even being on a bunch of game shows 🙂 Had you asked me when I first arrived what I believed my proudest moment would be, I probably would have said something selfish like “when I book my first big role” or even sillier, “when I win an Oscar”. Obviously, moments of personal pride, such as marriage and births, can’t be compared. However, I can honestly say even if those selfish, silly things eventually happen, my proudest “industry” moment to date, was last Tuesday night, September 6, 2011, sitting in the Arclight Cinerama Dome in Hollywood watching the premiere of Lionsgate’s film WARRIOR. A movie my entire family had the absolute privilege to work on. My husband, Christian Minkler, did the post production sound effects, which resonate so clearly and in such a raw, visceral way, you wince during the fight scenes, because you feel every punch audibly. The casting is spot on, the performances riveting. Every aspect of this film screams genius as the result of the unbelievable talent of the film’s director, Gavin O’Connor. Those who know me, respect my brutal honesty. If something sucks, I have no problem saying so, even if I’ve been a part of it. So, when I say “EVERYONE NEEDS TO SEE IT” it’s because it’s amazing, in the truest sense of the word. Not because I worked on it, but because it’s just that good. Still skeptical? Watch the trailer here. You will not be disappointed. GO SEE IT. TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS. PUSH IT UP TO #1 at the box office. After all, wouldn’t you rather feel emotionally fulfilled when you leave a theatre, having laughed, cried, and cheered……as opposed to leaving afraid to touch anyone and wishing for a bath in hand sanitizer?

I’ll leave you with one final tidbit. The irony in this is on September 6, 1995, my sweet mama passed away. So the date of the saddest day in my life is now connected with one of the proudest days of my life so far. She was a warrior, with the soul of a lion. Just like this movie. 

Me and The Man at the Hollywood premiere of WARRIOR

today is my birthday

Dear Mama and Daddy, resting peacefully in Heaven….. Thanks for bringing me into the world on this day so many years ago. Hopefully, you are watching every move I make, proud of me for the things I have accomplished thus far in this journey. There are many others yet to be realized. I love you both with my whole heart 🙂 xoxo

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