Friend Movement

Sugar Bean and me being interviewed for the Friend Movement.

Sugar Bean and me being interviewed for Friend Movement.

Listen, y’all.

I am so ecstatic I can hardly contain myself. That’s what happens when I am passionate about something. Giggly, gushing, passion….that’s what is brewing up in here. Downright magical, I tell ya!!

Why, you ask? Well, it’s been a little while since I’ve been involved in something bigger than me and my little tribe, that really had potential to make a difference. There was this, but again, it was 2 years ago. And as much as I would have loved to repeat that massive relief effort again for the people of Oklahoma recently, it just wasn’t possible. All my ducks were scattered, and it takes a pond full. No excuse, I know, but at least I’m honest about my abilities, right?

Anyway, I am happy to say, I am once again putting whatever muscle I have  (or can beg, borrow, or steal) behind a very worthy cause. What I’m talking about is FRIEND MOVEMENTan anti-bullying campaign created to help show positive anti-bully images through art and media. Images of people of all ages, race, gender, sexuality, and spirituality that invoke inspiration & conversation. Friend Movement  inspires people to prevent bullying by enabling them to be a better friend.

What could be better than that?!! 

Especially with all the heart-breaking stories of children, tweens, teens…even adults, pushed to their limits under the pressure of bullies of all shapes and sizes, often driving them to commit the unthinkable act of suicide. It has to stop, people. It just has to stop! So I’m trying to help make that happen by raising awareness and letting people know that bullying is NOT okay. It affects people deeply, and the damage words and actions cause once they’ve been unleashed, can rarely–if ever– be completely reversed.

Just ask my Sugar Bean. She was bullied starting in Kindergarten, and continuing until she was in the 3rd grade. So this is an issue that hits not close to home, but at home. And if I can spare any mama out there the heartache I experienced watching my baby come home from school day after day…sobbing…then I want to do just that. Starting with my continued support of this campaign.

The photo/video campaign “The New F Word”  is officially launching in June, and here’s what it’s all about:



The New F Word is a grass-roots photo campaign and documentary film that aims to encourage the use of the word FRIEND to project inner strength and confidence. The concept by Elliot Dal Pra London & Ronnie Kroell was taken to a whole new level when Bianca Kosoy, famed branding creative genius, helped shape the campaign by giving it the edginess for which she is known. Add celebrity photographer and co-creator Ryan Forbes to the mix, and you have quite the creative team; bullying beware.

 I urge you to visit their website, ‘Like’ their Facebook page, Follow them on Twitter, and give if you can. Your support could change the life of someone who desperately needs just a glimmer of positivity to help them down off the ledge and into a place of healing!  

Friend Movement pic


That’s all for now, but check back for more information about (and photos from) our shoot with the Friend Movement team! We had such an amazing time, and I can’t wait to share all the details. Oh, and I’ll be hosting a giveaway in association with this fantastic cause as well, so stay tuned 🙂


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We must not forget ALABAMA…..

Not to downplay the importance of the demise of Osama Bin Laden, but….WE MUST NOT FORGET OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN NEED IN ALABAMA. The following is a comprehensive list of the hardest hit areas and information on how to help each community specifically. Please share the information in any way you can, as these small rural towns are not receiving media attention, and therefore the supplies they need. I beg you, please get the word out!!!!!!

Sweet Home Alabama needs our help….

As you all have probably seen on the news, Alabama, my home state, suffered devastating damage on April 27, 2011, due to a wave of tornados. The carnage…yes, that’s the right word….is simply beyond comprehension. Entire communities have been obliterated. Families have been left with nothing but their lives and the clothes they were wearing when disaster struck. Among the hardest hit areas is Tuscaloosa, which is home to my alma mater, The University of Alabama. It’s no longer the city I once lived in, and will never be again. So heartbreaking. And beyond that, other areas hit equally hard are Pleasant Grove, Cordova, East Limestone, Pratt City, Alberta City, Rosedale and Forest Lake. People in these communities are in dire need of basic necessities, including blankets, pillows, baby formula, diapers, wipes, towels, batteries, flashlights, feminine hygiene products, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, non-perishable food items, and bottled drinking water. If you can help with any of these items, please contact me at for information on where to send the donations. 

Or, if you want to help, but can’t donate tangible goods, what about buying a t-shirt whose proceeds benefit the cause?  I have posted the link in a separate blog post on here. 

Thanks in advance, and God Bless You all 🙂 

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