Here I sit, with 17 minutes–give or take a few– to write a post that deserves 17 hours. And 17 million “Thank you’s” to Jennifer Butler Basile, the talented blogger behind Chopping Potatoes. Somehow, she wandered onto my crazy little blog here, and found me deserving of “The Versatile Blogger Award”.
Wow. Just wow. THANK YOU, TIMES 17 MILLION!!!
I feel so honored that my writing caught the attention of Jennifer, and she felt it worthy enough to include “a calibama state of mind” as one of her 15 nominees. Only fifteen. The odds were not in my favor considering the number of phenomenal blogs/bloggers out there in the bloggosphere, and the fact I have only been ‘doing this writing thang’ seriously for 3 months. But anyway, I made the cut. Time to break out the bubbly 🙂
So. Here are the rules, folks:
If you find yourself nominated, then you’ve been awarded The Versatile Blogger award. And, you need to pay it forward:
- Thank the person who gave you this award
- Include a link to their blog
- Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly
- Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
- Tell the person who nominated you seven things about yourself
Here are my 7 things:
1. I am the youngest of 7. The First Six are all pretty much 18 months apart. Then I came along 12 years later. A serious WTF moment for my parents, right? Could explain #4, below.
2. I have a somewhat eidetic memory. Freakish, actually. By that, I mean I can remember sequences of numbers after only glancing at them, or names of people’s pets from years ago….BUT, if I leave one room and go into another for a specific reason, I can’t remember why I’m there once I get there. Go figure.
3. I hate shredded coconut. Especially when people dye it green and use it as grass on Easter cupcakes. The thought of it makes me gag.
4. My mother was an alcoholic. There is a post about it here .
5. I entered a local chili cook-off in 2004, and won 3rd place. My chili is kick-ass. Seriously.
6. Our family pets include 2 dogs and a bearded dragon. If you had asked me a year ago if I would be the caretaker for a reptile of any kind, I would have, without hesitation, said “Hell to the NO”. Proof that things change…and fast.
7. Occasionally, I work as a voice-over actor for films. I would like to do it a lot more 🙂
So that’s me, in a nutshell.
And my nominees are, in no particular order, as I really adore them all:
Single, Pregnant, and Fabulous?!
Sweetness of Life & Motherhood
All of these bloggers are fandamntastic. Check them out.
And thanks for checking me out 🙂
Thank you so much! I am honored!
Is it weird that I think one of the coolest things among your seven is that you’ve been a voice over actor!? Are you allowed to share what films? How did you get into that? Also, like other bloggers, do you have a public facebook page? I’m just your average stalker, really! Ha ha! No, seriously, I really enjoy what you have to say, and don’t want to miss the opportunity to read your words and give you support! Take good care!
Erica Snipes
Lol…not weird at all. It’s kind of a niche industry, and it’s almost impossible to break into unless you know someone who can help you. Fortunately, I have been blessed with the opportunities as the result of what my hubby, father-in-law, and mother-in-law do. Hubby & FIL are in post production sound, and MIL is a V/O actor as well. Once presented with my “break” I just had to prove my ability:-) So far, I’ve worked on four films in the last couple of years, and I love what I do! Hopefully, there will be much more work to come 🙂
And no, I haven’t set up a public FB page yet. But it’s on the “to do” list!
Very cool facts! Congratulations on the award! I’m still laughing about the shredded coconut, I hate it too. hahaha!
Seriously. It makes me anxious, and therefore, I believe it should be served with a side of Xanax.