Besides saying we had a fantabulous time at this event today, I should first mention, although the invitation says Tori Spelling was hosting, she was unable to make it at the last minute, feeling a bit under the weather. Of course, we missed her, and all hope she makes a speedy recovery 🙂
In her place, we were mesmerized by the gorgeous Brooke Burke Charvet, seen in the photo below:
I know, the picture is terrible. But I only had my iPhone, and I was sitting a few rows back. My girls were smart…they are lounging on the bean bags right up front! At any rate, Brooke looked stunning in an orange dress that I really need to borrow sometime. Hold on…let me just give her a call. Yeah, right.
Moving on.
The event began with a premiere screening of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic‘s “Royal Wedding” set to air Saturday April 21 at 1pm ET / 10am PT only on The Hub Network! To see a promo for the show, click here. The episodes kept both the kids and the parents glued to the screen, and the room erupted in laughter several times. The show is well written and entertaining, so be sure and tune in with your littles next Saturday. I guarantee you will not be disappointed!
After the screening, the girls and I followed the bridal party into the reception for mini-wedding cake decorating, bouquet making, horseshoe tossing, photos opps and autograph signing. In addition, we were treated to delicious food and specialty drinks while enjoying the festivities. This was a top-notch affair, folks!
What more could we ask for, you say? Well, nothing of course…but…WE GOT SWAG TOO!!! Check it out:

My Little Pony Friendship Express Train Set with a My Little Pony figure, DVD, HUB Network tumbler, “Epic Cupcake Time” t-shirt, and much more!!
The girls are in Pony Heaven now 🙂
Needless to say, a phenomenal time was had by all! Thanks so much to my dear friend Alexandra Anderson, aka The Beverly Hills Mom, for getting us “on the list”, and to Brooke Burke Charvet and The HUB Network for throwing a magical wedding and dazzling reception 🙂
Just look at these smiles…
Happy mama, happy girls, HAPPY DAY!!!
Pony hugs and kisses, everyone 🙂