You know how I’m always saying I wear eleventy jillion hats? Figuratively speaking, that is. I think it’s reached a fever pitch now, y’all. So I’m about to list ’em for you, and then ask a favor. You knew that was coming right? Of course you did. Because y’all are fancy schmancy mind reading followers.
1. Full-time, mom
Lots of people would just stop here. After all, it’s a 24/7 PLUS job. Especially with The Beans. Which is why it’s listed FIRST.
2. Creator, Co-Producer and actress for THE BAR, a new comedy web-series coming soon from Bless Her Heart Productions.
Trust me. You wanna know more. And you’ll want to get in on the action. Now, watch this.
3. Stella & Dot jewelry stylist
Oh, and I just promoted to Lead Stylist, which means I have people under me now. Wanna have a Trunk Show?
4. Kitten mom.
Let it be known, I didn’t intend to have a cat. But it was destiny. His mama abandoned him, and I took over when he was a day old. Round the clock bottle feedings…keeping him clean and safe…basically like having a newborn. Of course, I wouldn’t know anything about THAT. We named him Hiccup and he is almost 7 weeks old now. Eating food on his own, potty-trained, getting into mischief. I guess he’s a toddler now? Regardless, he’s the cutest. cat. ever.
5. Mixologist/Bartender at one of our favorite local spots.
This was an accident. I swear. But I’m gonna roll with it, okay? You should too.
6. Volunteer at our church.
God called, and I need to make sure my ticket to Heaven is punched. Enough said.
7. Blogger
This is no surprise. I mean, you wouldn’t be reading right now if I stopped wearing this hat. But, recently I’ve been doing more posts like this one, this one, and this one. Oh, and this!! So I think it’s kind of a big deal.
Since seven IS a lucky number, I’m cool with it. That is, until somebody hands me NUMBER EIGHT. Because I simply don’t see the line most people believe exists somewhere between ‘overextending yourself’ and ‘why-can’t-I-say-no-insanity’. Yeah, that.
Anyway, remember when I said I needed a favor? Well… here it is. I want y’all to help me with #2. Oh, stop snickering like Beavis and Butthead. I’m serious. Please consider donating to the Indiegogo campaign for THE BAR. We have the best ensemble cast ever, and it’s hilarious. Not to mention there are some serious, tangible perks to donating! Every penny counts y’all and we’ve got a long way to go and a short time to get there (See what I just did? Do you recognize that line from the title song of another iconic Southern film? Hint: Smokey). It’s my baby, and I really wanna see it blossom. But if you can’t donate, I totally understand. You can still SHARE THE LINK TO THE CAMPAIGN WITH EVERYONE YOU’VE EVER MET. Or share this post you are reading. Or even better… BOTH!
Love y’all. Have a great weekend 🙂
The Bar clip looks AWESOME! Congratulations!!! and awwww to the kitty pics 🙂
Thanks! Six weeks late on my reply to your comment though 🙁 Apparently, I fall behind a week with every hat I wear beyond the 1st…lol)